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CRNN Team Participates in Fight the Flu, Oct 15

The annual Fight the Flu Day will be held on Tuesday, October 15 at health departments across the state. The event will provide attendees with health resources and free flu vaccines.

The event is hosted by the Tennessee Department of Health. Community Registered Nurse Navigators from the University of Tennessee, College of Nursing will be in participating health departments across the state to provide resources and help administer vaccines. You can find a CRNN at one of the following locations:

  • Stephanie Walker- Sequatchie County Health Department from 4pm-7pm.
  • UT-E Thrive partner, Stephany Vance- Montgomery County Health Department.
  • Karen Butcher- College Grove Community Center

“As we head into flu season, it’s crucial that we equip our communities with the resources and protection they need to stay healthy,” said Elizabeth Sowell, APRN for the CRNN project. “By providing free flu vaccines and educating the public, we can help prevent the spread of the virus, particularly in vulnerable and underserved areas. Our goal is to make sure every Tennessean has access to life-saving vaccinations, and we are proud to be part of this statewide effort.”

Visit TDH’s Fight Flu webpage, to find other locations where the vaccine is available and to get more information.

Media Contact:

Kara Clark (865-974-9498,